One Day in Cadiz Itinerary: Highlights and What to See


Next stop on our trip: Cádiz! We had high hopes for this coastal city, and it certainly exceeded our expectations. Walking through Cádiz, you’re treading on streets that date back over 3,000 years, making it one of the oldest cities in Western Europe. We spent a fantastic day here, from exploring its streets to listening to the relaxing waves of the Atlantic.

We’re excited to share the best parts of our visit and show you how to enjoy a day in this wonderful city. Whether you’re interested in its history or just want to enjoy some great seafood, Cádiz has something special for everyone. Let’s dive into what makes Cádiz a must-visit destination!

Hi, we’re Timon & Filipa!

We travel across Spain in our motorhome, Speedy, and update TravelSpain24 with fresh content, practical tips, and personal stories from the road. Our goal is to help you experience Spain beyond the typical tourist trails.

Must-See Highlights in Cádiz

1. Cádiz Cathedral

Close-up of one of the towers of Cádiz Cathedral, emphasizing the architectural details as part of the Cádiz one-day itinerary

One place you can’t miss is the Cádiz Cathedral. Its golden dome shines brightly, and the architecture is stunning. Climb the Torre del Reloj for incredible views of the city and sea.

Timon van Basten standing in front of the Cádiz Cathedral facade, with people seated on the stairs, illustrating a popular stop on a Cádiz sightseeing tour.

The entrance fee is € 7, which includes access to the cathedral and the tower. 

2. the Roman Theater

Ruins of the Teatro Romano de Cádiz, an important historical site featured in a one-day itinerary in Cádiz

The Teatro Romano de Cádiz may not be as big as the one in Mérida, but it’s still a fascinating site to visit. Built in the 1st century BC, it’s one of the oldest Roman theaters in Spain.

The entrance is free, so you can wander through the ruins and imagine what life was like during Roman times.

3. Castillo de Santa Catalina

The Castillo de Santa Catalina is a fascinating place to explore in Cádiz. Built in the late 16th century this star-shaped fortress was designed to strengthen the city’s defenses against naval threats. The fortress offers stunning views of the coastline and the city. 

Interior exhibition at Castillo de Santa Catalina in Cadiz, showcasing the city's history and culture. A highlight of the one-day Cadiz itinerary.

Entrance is free, and it’s usually not too busy, so you can take your time wandering around. Inside, you’ll find various exhibitions and art displays that highlight the castle’s history and its role in protecting Cádiz.

4. Plaza de España

Close-up of the Monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz, showcasing intricate details of this historic landmark. A prominent highlight on Cadiz cultural heritage.

Plaza de España is a must-visit spot in Cádiz. This historic square is surrounded by beautiful buildings and offers a lot to see and explore.

One of the main highlights is the Monument to the Constitution of 1812, which commemorates the first Spanish constitution.

Casa de las Cinco Torres in Cadiz, a landmark to visit on the Cadiz itinerary

Around the square, you’ll find notable buildings like the Casa de las Cinco Torres, known for its unique architecture and five corner towers. The elegant facades and balconies add to the area’s charm.

5. Cádiz Museum

View of the majestic entrance and staircase of the Cadiz Museum. This image offers a glimpse into the cultural richness of Cadiz, a featured stop on the one-day itinerary for exploring the city's highlights.

The Cádiz Museum is full of history and culture. The museum offers fascinating exhibits, including archaeological finds, fine arts, and ethnography. European Union citizens can enter for free, while others pay a small fee of 1,50€.

Unfortunately, it was closed when we visited Cádiz on Monday. Many museums and attractions in Spain, including this one, tend to be closed on Mondays, so it’s important to plan your visit accordingly.

6. Baluarte de la Candelaria

Exterior view of Baluarte de Cadiz, with sunlight illuminating its walls and waves crashing against it. This image captures the beauty of Cadiz's coastal fortification.

The Baluarte de la Candelaria is a historic fortification in Cádiz built in the 17th century. Today, it serves as a cultural and event space, hosting art exhibitions, concerts, and other events throughout the year.

When we passed by, it was closed, but it’s still worth visiting to admire the impressive structure and its scenic location. The walk along the fort’s walls is both relaxing and offers great views.

7. Plaza de San Juan de Dios

View of Plaza San Juan de Dios on a sunny day, with Cadiz City Hall towering in the background. This image captures the vibrant atmosphere of one of Cadiz's historic squares

The square itself is lively, with fountains, palm trees, and plenty of cafes where you can sit and enjoy the atmosphere. Plaza de San Juan de Dios is a great place to start your exploration of Cádiz, offering a mix of history, architecture, and local life.

Cádiz: What to see and visit in one day

Now that you’ve learned about our top highlights of Cádiz, here’s an itinerary to help you make the most of your day in this charming coastal city. We’ve picked a particular starting point because we arrived by ferry, but feel free to adapt it based on where you’re staying. Follow this guide to experience the best of Cádiz in just one day.

Begin at Plaza de Sevilla

Detailed view of Iglesia Conventual de Santo Domingo (Cádiz del Rosario) on a sunny day, accompanied by a seagull in flight. This image showcases the architectural beauty of this landmark in Cadiz

Begin your day at Plaza de Sevilla. Here, you can visit the Iglesia Conventual de Santo Domingo (Cádiz del Rosario), a beautiful church with stunning baroque architecture.

View of the Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz on a sunny morning, with the moon still visible in the sky. This image captures the architectural beauty of this landmark in Cadiz

Nearby, you’ll find the Palacio de Congresos de Cádiz, an important venue for events and conferences. 

Close-up of the Monumento a la Libertad in Cadiz, featuring a flamenco dancer statue. Showcasing the Cádiz's cultural heritage.

Close to the church is the Monumento a la Libertad, a flamenco dancer statue commemorating the Andalusian people’s freedom and spirit. This spot is a perfect start to your day in Cádiz.

Visit Plaza de San Juan de Dios

Timon van Basten in front of the city hall in Cadiz on a sunny morning. This scene is part of the Cadiz highlights, showcasing the historic architecture and vibrant atmosphere of the city.

From here, head down to Calle Plocia. On your way, you will pass the historic Fábrica Nacional de Tabacos de Cádiz. The highlight of this stroll is arriving at Plaza de San Juan de Dios, where you can see the City Hall of Cádiz, an elegant neoclassical building, and the Iglesia de San Juan de Dios, a church dating back to the 16th century with a beautiful baroque interior.

See Casa Palacio del Almirante

The entrance of Casa Palacio del Almirante in Cadiz. This historic building is one of the Cadiz highlights, illustrating the city's rich architectural heritage.

Next, pass by the Casa Palacio del Almirante, a stunning historic mansion with unique architecture. This beautiful building showcases the grandeur of Cádiz’s past and is definitely worth a look as you continue your journey through the city.

Tour the Cathedral Museum and Bell Tower

Casa de la Contaduría in Cadiz, with a striking contrast of the white building against the blue sky. This site is one of the Cadiz highlights, emphasizing the city's beautiful and historic architecture.

From Casa Palacio del Almirante, head towards the Cádiz Cathedral area. On your way, you’ll find the Casa de la Contaduría | Museo Catedralicio.

Close-up of Torre del Sagrario in Cadiz, showcasing intricate details of its historic architecture. This tower is one of the Cadiz highlights, reflecting the city's rich cultural heritage.

 You can visit the Torre del Sagrario, one of the towers of the Cádiz Cathedral, right next to it.

Explore Around Cádiz Cathedral

From the Torre del Sagrario, walk towards the Cathedral, located at Plaza de la Catedral. The cathedral has two towers, Torre del Reloj and Torre de Poniente, both of which offer fantastic views of the city and sea. 

Close-up of Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol in Cadiz, highlighting its architectural details.

At the same plaza, you can also find the Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol, a historic church with beautiful architecture. 

Arco de la Rosa in Cadiz

Don’t miss the Arco de la Rosa, an ancient archway that adds to the area’s historic charm. 

Shop at Plaza de las Flores and Central Market

From the cathedral, walk towards Plaza de las Flores, a lively and colorful square with a statue of Columela, a Roman writer known for his works on agriculture. 

Entrance of Mercado Central de Abastos de Cádiz, showcasing its architectural design. This market is one of the Cadiz highlights, offering a lively glimpse into the local culture and daily life.

Just past the plaza is the Mercado Central de Abastos de Cádiz, a bustling market where you can grab a bite to eat and enjoy some local delicacies. 

Climb Torre Tavira

Torre de Tavira from the street in Cadiz, highlighting its prominent structure. This tower is one of the Cadiz highlights, offering historical significance and panoramic views of the city.

Next, head to Torre Tavira, the highest point in Cádiz. The tower offers stunning panoramic views of the city and features a camera obscura.

The entrance costs approximately €8. If you are looking to get a bird’ s-eye view of Cádiz, this is a must-visit.

Walk through Plaza de San Antonio

After enjoying the views from Torre Tavira, make your way to Plaza de San Antonio. On your way, be sure to pass by Casa Mayol, an impressive example of Cádiz’s unique architecture, and the Iglesia del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, a historic church that played a significant role during the drafting of the Spanish Constitution of 1812.

Once you arrive at Plaza de San Antonio, you’ll find yourself in one of the city’s most important and elegant squares. The plaza is surrounded by beautiful buildings, including the Church of San Antonio, and it’s a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy the lively atmosphere. The square has been a central point for many of the city’s historical events and is a key location in Cádiz.

Coffee Break at Plaza de Mina

Plaza de Mina in Cadiz with beautiful jacaranda trees in full bloom. This picturesque scene is one of the Cadiz highlights, showcasing the natural beauty and serene atmosphere of the plaza.

Contrasting with the open Plaza de San Antonio, Plaza de Mina is covered with beautiful Jacaranda trees, which bloom with stunning purple flowers.

After all that walking, you’ve earned a break! Head to Plaza de Mina to grab a coffee and relax under the shady canopy of these trees.

View of the majestic entrance and staircase of the Cadiz Museum. This image offers a glimpse into the cultural richness of Cadiz, a featured stop on the one-day itinerary for exploring the city's highlights.

While you’re there, check out the Cádiz Museum located in the plaza. It offers interesting exhibits on archaeology, fine arts, and ethnography. 

Enjoy Plaza de España

Convento de San Francisco in Cadiz, with people enjoying the sunny day seated at the terrace. This scene is one of the Cadiz highlights, combining historical architecture with the lively social atmosphere.

After refilling your batteries, head over to Plaza de España. On your way, pass through the Centro Histórico de Cádiz, where you can see charming streets and historic buildings like the Convento de San Francisco and the Church of Santa Cruz

At Plaza de España, you’ll find the Diputación Provincial de Cádiz, a striking government building. In the center of the plaza, admire the impressive Monumento a la Constitución de 1812, which commemorates Spain’s first constitution.

Don’t miss the Casa de las 5 Torres, a unique building with five distinctive towers.

Facade of Diputación Provincial de Cádiz, with a visible art exhibition from the Prado Museum. This site is one of the Cadiz highlights, blending governmental architecture with cultural enrichment through art.

When we visited, the Museo del Prado had an exhibition in the plaza showcasing beautiful artwork. 

Seaside Promenade

After exploring Plaza de España, head to the nearby gardens by the water. Start at the Jardines Clara Campoamor and pass by the Monumento al Marqués de Comillas. Continue to the Alameda Hermanas Carvia Bernal y Clara Campoamor Garden.

Timon van Basten seated on a bench under a centenary tree in Cadiz, enjoying the shade. This peaceful scene is one of the Cadiz highlights, capturing the city's natural beauty and serene atmosphere.

You’ll see some impressive old fig trees along the way. Two missionary nuns from India brought these to Cádiz in 1903. When one of the nuns fell ill and died, the plants were left in Cádiz and planted in these gardens.

This waterfront walk can be quite windy, so hold onto your hat!

Baluarte de la Candelaria

From the gardens, head towards the Baluarte de la Candelaria. On your way, you’ll pass by the Iglesia del Carmen, a beautiful church worth a quick stop.

Close-up of a seagull, highlighting its detailed features and feathers. This image captures one of the coastal highlights commonly seen around Cadiz, reflecting the city's natural wildlife.

This time, we made a new friend—Ernie the Seagull. He was more than happy to pose for some pictures!

Relax at Parque Genovés

An old person seated on a bench at Park Genovés in Cadiz, enjoying the serene park environment. This scene is one of the Cadiz highlights, showcasing the city's peaceful green spaces.

Next, head to Parque Genovés. This park is a great place to take a break if you need one. You’ll be amazed by the cool shapes of the trees, which are expertly trimmed into unique forms. 

Castillo de Santa Catalina

From Parque Genovés, walk past the Parador Hotel until you reach Castillo de Santa Catalina. This historic fortress, built in the late 16th century, was designed to protect the city from naval attacks. It offers fantastic views of the coast and houses exhibitions inside, showcasing the castle’s military history and its role in defending Cádiz. 

Unwind at Caleta Beach

Caleta Beach in Cadiz with boats resting on the sand. This beach is one of the Cadiz highlights, showcasing the picturesque coastal scenery and vibrant maritime culture.

After exploring Castillo de Santa Catalina, head to Caleta Beach. This beautiful and popular beach is perfect for a relaxing walk along the shore. As you stroll, enjoy scenic views of the Atlantic Ocean and the historical surroundings.

View of Caleta Beach from the castle in Cadiz, including Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real. This perspective is one of the Cadiz highlights, capturing the scenic beauty and historical landmarks of the coastline.

At Caleta Beach, you’ll see the iconic Balneario de Nuestra Señora de la Palma y del Real. Inaugurated in 1926, it replaced the old Baños del Real. Today, it houses the Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalucía, focusing on underwater archaeological research and preservation in Andalusia.

Eat at Taberna Casa Manteca

Close-up of the tiles displaying the name of Taberna Casa Manteca on the wall in Cadiz. This detail is one of the Cadiz highlights, showcasing the traditional charm of the local dining scene.

Alright, time to eat! You must be starving after all that exploring. We’ve found the perfect spot for you—Taberna Casa Manteca! It can get pretty crowded, so you might have to wait a bit for a table. But trust us, it’s totally worth it. The atmosphere and unique tapas make it the perfect place to relax and enjoy delicious local food.

Kick off with our favorite, tortillitas de camarones. These crispy shrimp fritters are a must-try and absolutely delicious. We also sampled some croquetas de cocido—creamy and packed with flavor—and some fried fish (John Dory/Gallo) that was perfectly crispy. And, of course, everything tasted even better with a refreshing tinto de verano in hand. It really made our day. Enjoy!

Visit Castillo de San Sebastián

La Caleta Arch in Cadiz, showcasing its historic architectural design. This arch is one of the Cadiz highlights, framing the picturesque beach and enhancing the coastal charm.

Next stop, Castillo de San Sebastián! After filling up at Casa Manteca, it was time to walk off those calories.

Castillo de San Sebastián in Cadiz, showcasing its historic fortifications along the coastline. This castle is one of the Cadiz highlights, reflecting the city's rich military history and scenic views.

The castle was closed for renovations during our visit, but it was still worth the walk. The scenic stroll offers stunning views of the coastline. Plus, after all that food, a bit of exercise doesn’t hurt!

Explore the streets old Cádiz

Next, it’s time to explore the lively streets of Cádiz as you make your way to the Teatro Romano. Enjoy the bustling city life and the beautiful palm trees that line the streets. It’s a great way to experience the local vibe and see more of what this charming city has to offer.

Discover Teatro Romano and Callejón del Duende

Your next stop is the Teatro Romano. With free entrance, it’s a must-see on your tour. Just remember, the last admission is 15 minutes before closing.

Next to it is Callejón del Duende, a charming alley that adds to the area’s historic feel. This stop combines history and local charm, making it a must-visit on your itinerary.

End at Your Favorite Plaza

After all that exploring, finish your day with a relaxing drink at your favorite plaza. Whether it’s Plaza de San Antonio, Plaza de Mina, or Plaza de San Juan de Dios, pick a spot that resonates with you. Sit back, sip your drink, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. Cheers to a wonderful day in Cádiz!

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